Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Last night I read Who Owns Kelly Paddik? by Beth Goobie. It’s a high/low book, part of the Orca Soundings series. Kelly has been sexually abused by her father, tries to commit suicide, and is now institutionalized. Not great literature, but my eighth grade reluctant readers will eat it up. We have one other book in this series (more are on order) which I will be reading immediately.

I’m trying to come up with some fall reading goals. For right now, here they are:
1. Reread the Battle of the Books selections for which I haven’t written enough questions. The North Carolina list can be reached here. I’m torn about whether to blog about these books – none of them are new titles so I’m not sure what I’ll do.
2. Read at least one new-to-me title from my media center each week and blog about it, even if it’s an old title.
3. Read at least one non-fiction title each week. I really need to boost my collection of non-fiction booktalks.
4. Read a more-appropriate-for-high-school title every other week and blog about it. I have several sitting on my shelf right now and several more on my list that I just need an excuse to go the bookstore and buy.

School has started for me. I’ve gotten used to reading blogs several times a day. Now it will probably be only once a day. I miss it. Of course, it didn’t help that massive computer problems greeted me. Hopefully today will be better.

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